PSYCH-K® Online Level 2 North America - December 3, 2023

PSYCH-K® Online Level 2 North America - December 3, 2023


Successful completion of Online – Level 1 is a prerequisite to this class. Attending the In-Person Basic will not qualify you attend the Online – Level 2


Proficiency in Self-Muscle Testing – If you have not yet mastered this you may want to consider a private session to focus on this skillset as our daily curriculum will be focused on the new material. ​


​Access to a printer to print the material before the workshop begins

A very good and stable internet connection throughout the duration of the workshop

A good computer or laptop where you download the Zoom application (it is not possible to participate in the workshop from the version of Zoom that works from a browser – It is also not possible to use a Tablet, iPad or a mobile phone)

Good speakers or head set

A space where you can place paper to take notes

A silent place where you will be uninterrupted by people and pets – silence in the environment around you is important for yourself and other participants during the workshop

Commitment to be present for all 3 days from beginning to end.

No exceptions are allowed. This is a live event and no recordings or replays will be available.

It is important you can read and follow instructions in English

Event Properties

Event Date December 3, 2023 9:00 am
Event End Date December 5, 2023 4:00 pm
Available place 8
Individual Price US$1,000.00
Speaker Ian Spicer
Number Hours 18
Location Zoom Online Meeting Room

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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